Richard Meier and a form of music.

Richard Meier has established himself as one of the finest architects in the world, and was recognized as such when he won the Pritzker Prize (the fields' highest honor) in 1984, the same year he was awarded the commission to do the Getty Center in Los Angeles, a 1 billion dollar project.

Lesson for Today:  Minimalism doesn't have to me minimal at all.  Richard Meier is truly a sculptor of form and light.  The Southern California Beach House displayed here is a great example of stripping away texture, ornamentation, unnecessary siding, roofing, trim...  all that stuff, and building a house that is both simple and complicated at the same time.  You can rest easy in it, or get pulled into its intricate harmonies in the same way a piano piece by the famous composer Chopin extracts your attention. 


Sue Schaefer said...

Interesting comparison between Meier's and Gundersen's work. One can't help but see complex/sleek vs. simple/sleek. I know which one I'd vote for!

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